More plug planting in Ox Close

To further increase the biodiversity of uncommon wP1130378sharpild flowers in Ox Close wood, we have again been plug planting in the grazing pasture. The plants were grown in the Trusts own wild flower nursery from seed that was collected locally.

About half of the wood was clear felled in 1992 by its previous owners. Until then, this area of the wood consisted of non-native conifers that shaded the ground so much that very little was left of whatever seed bank might have been present. Consequently the area that is now kept open by conservation grazing has a poor range of wild flowers which we are hoping to rectify.

This time, to deter the deer from jumping over wire fences, the posts have been angled inwards and the tops of the mesh netting has been laced with string.

Species that have been planted include Betony, Rock Rose, Aquilegia, and Ladies Bedstraw.

Plug planting in Ox Close

Fenced off area with plug plants of wild flowers

Coppicing in Ox Close

Feeding tunnels under the bark of a dead Elm made by the Elm Bark Scolytus beetle

Feeding tunnels under the bark of a dead Elm made by the Elm Bark Scolytus beetle

Half of Ox Close Wood was clear felled prior to its acquisition by the Trust in 1992.
Much of the natural regeneration has been by Elm trees. These trees are now of an age where they are becoming susceptible to Dutch Elm Disease which is a fungus carried by the Elm Bark Beetle. Evidence of the beetle, in the form of their larval feeding galleries, can readily be found under the bark of dead Elms.
A walk round the wood now reveals that many of the Elm trees are beginning to show signs of the disease in the form of dead and dying leaves and branches. In order to combat the disease, this winter, in the South West corner of the wood, the Trust has been coppicing many of the elms including some that seem healthy to prevent the disease from killing the trees. Trees alongside footpaths will also be felled to remove any danger from falling branches. Coppicing in this way extends the life of trees and further benefits wild flowers and insects by opening up the canopy allowing sunlight to reach the ground.

The area will be surrounded by a tall deer fence to prevent deer from eating the tasty young shoots that will grow from the coppiced stools.

Part of the coppiced area in Ox Close with the posts for deer fencing being knocked into the ground

Part of the coppiced area in Ox Close with posts for the deer fence being knocked into the ground.

The Elm is important locally as it is the foodplant of the White-letter Hairstreak butterfly which is an uncommon butterfly ranked 24th most widespread of Yorkshire’s 36 breeding butterfly species. Ox Close has a healthy population of this butterfly which is seen flying around the tops of the trees during July.

Hedgerow creation project at Ox Close Wood

A series of four marathon Friday work days saw the completion of the new hedge along the southern and western boundaries of Ox Close Wood.

Funded by Green Leeds, The Trust has completed planting over 3,000 saplings to create this new mixed species hedgerow. It is intended to provide protection from spray drift from the intensively farmed fields that surround the wood and to create a new wildlife corridor and important habitat.

Hedging Ox Close 2_DxO

The completed southern boundary of Ox Close Wood.... over 3000 plants

The completed southern boundary of Ox Close Wood…. over 3000 plants

Hedging Grant Is Awarded

The Trust has been successful in obtaining a grant to plant a mixed native species hedgerow along the southern boundary of Ox Close Wood. This will help prevent spray drift and encroachment into the wood from the adjoining intensive farming. Work will commence in the winter.

Please come along and join the planting work parties. Phone 01937 574140

Ox Close Wood Hedge Creation Project

There is a need to re-establish the boundary of Ox Close Wood to protect the wood from spray drift and the intensive agriculture that surrounds the wood.

The Trust is applying for a landfill grant from Green Leeds to replace the post and rail boundary fence with a native mixed species hedge.

We need your help.

Southern boundary of Ox Close Wood along which a new hedge is to be created.

Southern boundary of Ox Close Wood along which a new hedge is to be created.

We need to prepare the site for planting in the winter months. All ages would be most welcome to join us. No experience required; just a love of the countryside and good company. Please contact us to join our weekly work party.