Upcoming Events


This years AGM will again be held in the Village Hall at 7.00pm.

Following their surveys of residents’ views and the hydrology of Bardsey Fields, Eve and Alice from Leeds University will present their findings.

Finally Completed

We have completed the French drain down Fitts Lane. Work on the drain had to be extended by difficulties in sourcing hardcore and by periods of wet weather which meant that it was impossible to transport any hardcore down the lane to fill the ditch.
The photo shows the last tonne of nearly 100 tonnes of limestone hardcore being tipped into the drain; covering the drainage pipe.
The drain feeds into a pond which we hope will be a habitat for aquatic plants and animals.
The drain itself is fed by a number of small springs from the field above. This ground water is relatively warm (the basis for ground source heat pumps for central heating) and it was noticeable that during recent freezing conditions the pond was frozen only around its edges!

The last tonne

East Keswick Art Show

Saturday and Sunday 18th and 19th November 10 – 4pm, East Keswick Village Hall

This year there will be a Wildlife picture section at the Village Art Show, along with other high quality paintings that will be for sale.

There will also be a children’s Wildlife drawing/painting competition, with all the materials provided.

Please come along and visit our stand and enjoy the art, tea and cake!

Hope to see you there.

Autumn Talk ‘Restoring a Walled Garden into a Community Garden’

Tuesday 28th November at East Keswick Village Hall, 7.30pm

Guest Speaker Andy Parkinson

Living Potential Care Farm are restoring an 1850s walled garden and transforming it into a community garden, an asset for all to enjoy. The aim is to start selling fresh organically grown fruit and vegetables by Summer 2024. Andy, the Head Grower, will give a talk on the site’s history and plans for the future.

All are very welcome

Bardsey Small Mammal Survey

This weekend we were joined by Ann and Robert from the Yorkshire Mammal Group to lay 50 humane mammal traps in Bardsey Field. We laid the traps on Saturday afternoon, making sure that any mammals caught had a cosy bed for the night and plenty of food. We then returned on Sunday morning to empty the traps, record and weigh the mammals and then release them safely. The weather was glorious and the event was very well attended. It was lovely to see the children lay the traps and then return the following day, remembering exactly where they were and so excited to see what was inside.

We recorded 1 common shrew, 1 field vole, 1 bank vole and 18 wood mice.

What is it going to be?
Ann weighing one of the mammals
A Wood mouse

Family Event at Bardsey Fields

We hope you can join us on Saturday 21st October at 4pm when we will meet the Yorkshire Mammal Group to put out 50-100 humane mammal traps. We will then meet again at 9.30am on Sunday 22nd to record, weigh and release them. We will be meeting outside Bardsey School on Woodacre Lane.

This event is suitable for all ages to attend one or both sessions – a great family event. Please bring stout footwear/wellies as the long grass will be wet. If you would like any more information, please email info@ekwt.org.uk

Bardsey Green Fair

East Keswick Wildlife Trust will be at the Green Fair on Saturday 9th September in Bardsey Churchyard from 1-4pm. Come along to learn about our local nature reserves and have your say on the newly acquired Bardsey Fields.

The Yorkshire Dales River Trust is loaning their table-top Sustainable Drainage Village for children to mimic rainfall and see where it goes!

We hope you can come along and help bring our communities together. There is a very varied programme of eco activities, stalls and refreshments.